The missing link finally found
MorphSticks are clever data converters, bridging data acquisition and transmission over Ethernet and USB. They cover a wide range of applications including barcode readers, keyboards, serial, RS232, and sensors.
MorphStick Keyboard Tap 2 Ethernet
The MorphStick Keyboard Tap 2 Ethernet is a compact network device, capable of converting USB keyboard, barcode reader, or mouse data to Ethernet packets.
MorphStick Keyboard Tap 2 Ethernet PoE
The MorphStick Keyboard Tap 2 Ethernet PoE is a compact network device, capable of converting USB keyboard, barcode reader, or mouse data to Ethernet packets.
MorphStick Keyboard Tap 2 Ethernet Max
The MorphStick Keyboard Tap 2 Ethernet Max is a compact network device, capable of converting USB keyboard, barcode reader, or mouse data to Ethernet packets.
MorphStick Keyboard Host 2 Ethernet
The MorphStick Keyboard Host 2 Ethernet is a compact network device, capable of converting USB keyboard, barcode reader, or mouse data to Ethernet packets.
MorphStick Keyboard Host 2 Ethernet PoE
The MorphStick Keyboard Host 2 Ethernet PoE is a compact network device, capable of converting USB keyboard, barcode reader, or mouse data to Ethernet packets.
MorphStick Keyboard Host 2 Ethernet Max
The MorphStick Keyboard Host 2 Ethernet Max is a compact network device, capable of converting USB keyboard, barcode reader, or mouse data to Ethernet packets.
MorphStick Ethernet 2 Keyboard
The MorphStick Ethernet 2 Keyboard is a compact network device, capable of simulating a USB keyboard or USB mouse from incoming UDP data over Ethernet.
MorphStick Ethernet 2 Keyboard PoE
The MorphStick Ethernet 2 Keyboard PoE is a compact network device, capable of simulating a USB keyboard or USB mouse from incoming UDP data over Ethernet.
MorphStick Keyboard Multilogger
The MorphStick Keyboard Multilogger is a multiple channel keyboard recorder. It can monitor 2 USB keyboard lines in tap mode, and actively poll an additional keyboard in USB host mode. Streams data in real-time over Ethernet.
MorphStick Keyboard Multilogger Max
The MorphStick Keyboard Multilogger Max is a multiple channel keyboard recorder. It can monitor 4 USB keyboard lines in tap mode, and actively poll an additional keyboard in USB host mode. Streams data in real-time over Ethernet.
MorphStick Serial 2 Ethernet
The MorphStick Serial 2 Ethernet is a compact network device, capable of converting serial data to Ethernet packets.
MorphStick Serial 2 Ethernet PoE
The MorphStick Serial 2 Ethernet PoE is a compact network device, capable of converting serial data to Ethernet packets.
MorphStick Serial 2 Ethernet Max
The MorphStick Serial 2 Ethernet Max is a compact network device, capable of converting serial data to Ethernet packets.
MorphStick Ethernet 2 Serial
The MorphStick Ethernet 2 Serial is a compact network device, capable of generating serial data from incoming UDP data over Ethernet.
MorphStick Ethernet 2 Serial PoE
The MorphStick Ethernet 2 Serial PoE is a compact network device, capable of generating serial data from incoming UDP data over Ethernet.
MorphStick Barcode 2 Ethernet
The MorphStick Barcode 2 Ethernet is a modular barcode reader, capable of sending scanned data directly as Ethernet packets.
MorphStick Barcode 2 Ethernet PoE
The MorphStick Barcode 2 Ethernet PoE is a modular barcode reader, capable of sending scanned data directly as Ethernet packets.
MorphStick Barcode 2 Ethernet Max
The MorphStick Barcode 2 Ethernet Max is a modular barcode reader, capable of sending scanned data directly as Ethernet packets.